I went with Brad from Chicago to Washington DC for the launch event of the National Center for Women and Information Technology. Brad and I are both enormous advocates for women’s education and believe that women achieving parity in the information technology field is an important economic issue for all of America. We are delighted that our local congressman, Mark Udall, supports NCWIT and was able to spare some time to speak at the launch event. Congressman Udall has a tremendous memory. I thought the last time I had seen him was when our neighborhood evacuated for an out-of-control “controlled” burn that turned into a 60 acre forest fire last September and we were waiting at the Eldorado Market for information about when we’d have access to our house — but he accurately remembered our paths crossing at the Dulles airport in March as Brad and I transferred to a flight to Paris for my 6 week visit there. Tremendous memory for tiny details..
Best wishes to NCWIT with their mission to “ensure that women are fully represented in the influential world of information technology and computing.”