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Wednesday, July 27, 2005


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Ben Barren

There is no-one words I care more for (other than those closest), than DFW's - they are some great extracts Amy, Im not just LOL'ing, my eyes are watering - His parents were academics in philosophy and literature at a top university, maybe near to where it is set.. keep us updated..

Ben Casnocha

I'm on page 81 and agree on the need for a dictionary, but you have considerably more patience than me to look up each and every single word! Some parts are obviously awesome, some parts I don't understand completely. It's a slog, but a good slog.

Don't forget about his great collection of nonfiction essays - http://bigben.blogs.com/first/2005/04/book_a_supposed.html

Brad Feld

MIT's radio station is 88.1 WMBR.

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