After watching entirely too much football and 24 this weekend, I am happy to report that I just spent 70 minutes on my treadmill trying to work off some of the pizza, chocolate peanut butter cookies (thanks, Chris), vodka drink and general slothfulness that I indulged in. Saw some terrific games this weekend. I was torn during the Patriots v. Broncos game on Saturday since I lived in Boston/Wellesley for 11 years, and I've "only" lived here in Colorado for 10 years. I basically ended up cheering for whoever had possession of the ball at any given time, which was almost evenly split between the two teams. I would have been happy to see the Patriots have a chance at 3 Super Bowl victories in a row; but am very very happy with Denver's win because my great friend Howard has invited me to join him at the AFC Championship Game next weekend here in Denver. Thanks, Howard! I am very very happy. Very happy!