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Thursday, February 09, 2006


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Heidi Longaberger

There are three slaughter houses in the US that butcher horses for human consumption. Two in Texas and one in Illinois. Two are Belgium owned, one French owned. I'm not sure of the ownership of other types of slaughterhouses in the US, or the regulations they must adhere to. Estimates of horses slaughtered in the US in 2005 range from 100,000-120,000. Many others are shipped to Mexico or Canada for slaughter. There are some folks, from all walks of life, who get rid of their horses by sending them to the local livestock auction to be sold by the pound to a "killer buyer," who then transports them, often inhumanely, to the slaughterhouse and resells them. All types of horses end up there, from thoroughbreds who once raced, to unwanted foals, to the dressage master who ended up in the wrong hands or became injured. The reasons vary, from they can't be ridden anymore to the owner didn't realize how much time and money it took to keep a horse. In my mind, it comes down to irresponsibilty and a throw away culture. I could go on and on...but check out The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act at http://www.hr857.com/ if you'd like some more information. Now I'll get off my high-horse. Gee, you think I'm a horse lover too?!

Renee Berberian

Amy - ugh, now I'm forever going to wonder...though it seems much more ugly with horses than with cows

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