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Monday, May 26, 2008


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David Cohen

You gotta love the puppy dog PJs. I am thankful for the photos you chose not to post here.

We had a great time, even with the rain. Positano is one of my world favorites now.

Maurya Hellane

I just loved your post and now want to go to Positano more than ever. Of course, I've wanted to since "Under the Tuscan Sun." I'm thinking the Hotel Marincanto should add to the website so that under "Hotel" there's a subsection called "Stairs." Your thoughts were so well written that I wanted more! Thank you.

Alfredo Terrone

>It was lovely to open the tall windows and listen to the ocean all night and the view was unbeatable....

ocean ? :)
there is no ocean... maybe was Tirreno Sea or Mediterranean Sea ;)

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